A personal look at New York City, yesterday and today

Monday, July 21, 2014

Easter  Be-In, Central Park, New York City, March 26, 1967

This was the first Central Park Be-In. It was a surprise event that drew people from all over the city. Even participants from the 5th Avenue Easter parade showed up at the Sheep Meadow in Central Park. Police estimated 10,065 people participated. Estimating by eye, others said about 100 thousand.

According to Wikipedia, this first be-in was organized by Jim Fouratt an actor, Paul Williams editor of Crawdaddy! magazine, Susan Hartnett head of the Experiments in Art and Technology organization and Chilean poet and playwright Claudio Badal who printed 3,000 posters and 40,000 small notices designed by Peter Max and distributed them around the city.

Brooklyn native and lifetime NYC resident, Lionel Martinez, took the following photos at the Be-In that day.